Welcome to the Anime Club at UCI!
We are a student-run club at UC Irvine orientated around a common interest in Anime and its related mediums. Our members engage in an array of hobbies such as art-making, cosplay, convention-going. Our members often share interests in manga, games, music, and so much more. If you have an anime-related interest or endeavor, consider us an ally.
Our goal as a club is to be a home to those that can share a friendly and comfortable enjoyment of anime – and each other. Whether you may be shy or sociable, we invite you to join us!
We are also known as Cal Animage Epsilon (CAE), which remains as a formal and synonymous club name. Under this title, we are proud to be UCI’s anime club and a member of the Cal Animage Network since 1990.

Time and location for our meetings may vary per week!
For the latest updates and announcements, please join our Discord server! (#meetings-info)
All friendly members, alumni, and visitors are welcome to our meetings!
Our general meetings serve as our main weekly meetings for activities, short screenings, and other such gatherings. Our meeting times & locations can be found on all club platforms. Meetings last approximately 90+ minutes, and members often hang out afterward.
We also have Screening Squad meetings, which are smaller and more hands-off screening-dedicated meetings hosted by a subdivision of the Club. Feel free to join the Screening Squad Discord here!.
ZotCon (Website)
ZotCon is the anime-themed convention club of UCI. They’re responsible for holding annual anime-themed conventions on campus, which brings in hundreds of guests every year. We strongly support their efforts!
CalAnime Newsletter (Website)
The CalAnime Newsletter is a newsletter founded by a group of high schoolers with a passion to keep Californian anime enthusiasts up to date on anime-related content. We are proud to sponsor CalAnime Newsletter and any other passion projects alike!